Pigs for Prosperity: Empowering Widows and Orphans in Africa

The Pigs for Prosperity project is a transformative initiative dedicated to empowering 40 widows and orphans in rural Africa. Through sustainable pig farming, this project aims to provide vulnerable individuals with the resources, training, and support they need to break the cycle of poverty and achieve economic independence.

Why Pigs for Prosperity?

In many rural communities across Africa, widows and orphans face significant challenges, including extreme poverty, food insecurity, and limited access to economic opportunities. These challenges often result in a cycle of hardship that is difficult to escape. The Pigs for Prosperity project is designed to change this by giving these individuals the means to generate income, improve their nutrition, and contribute to the resilience and growth of their communities.

How It Works: 

The project provides beneficiaries with piglets, training in pig farming, and ongoing support throughout the pig’s life cycle. By raising pigs, widows and orphans can sell piglets or mature pigs, generating a steady income that can be used to meet their basic needs, pay for education and invest in other income-generating activities.

Contribution Packages:

Supporters of the Pigs for Prosperity project can choose from a range of contribution packages that fit different budgets and levels of impact:

Piglet Share ($30): A partial contribution towards the purchase of a piglet. Multiple donors can combine contributions to fully fund one piglet.

Feed and Nutrition Package ($60): Covers essential feed and nutritional supplements for a pig over 3-6 months.

Piglet and Starter Kit ($90): Provides a piglet along with initial feed and simple shelter materials.

Piglet Growth Package ($120): Includes a piglet plus veterinary care and feed for the first three months.

Complete Care Package ($250): Offers full support throughout the pig’s life cycle, including breeding and market preparation.


By participating in the Pigs for Prosperity project, you are helping to empower widows and orphans, providing them with the tools to achieve self-sufficiency and build a brighter future. Your support fosters economic stability, strengthens gender equality, and promotes community development.

Get Involved:

Join us in making a lasting difference in the lives of widows and orphans in Africa. Whether through a donation or by spreading the word, your involvement is crucial to the success of this project. Together, we can transform lives and build stronger, more resilient communities—one piglet at a time.

Donate Now

Every contribution, big or small, makes a profound impact. Choose your level of support and help us kickstart this journey to prosperity. Visit our donation page to learn more and make a difference today.

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